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Favorite Quotes From Characters

This is were I have various Quotes from various characters, and the Major Hottie we all Want to know more about, Tom.

- Draco Malfoy (I Luv Him, Literally)

"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive. Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once?"


"Longbottom, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something."


"Oh how silly we’ve been!" Malfoy sneered. "We should have stroked them! Why didn’t we guess?"
"I-I thought they were funny," Hagrid said uncertainly to Hermione.
"Oh tremendously funny!" said Malfoy. "Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!"


"You'll soon find out some Wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."


"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood."


"You're in luck, Weasley, Potter's obviously spotted some money on the ground!"


"I'm the new Slytherin Seeker, Weasley. Everyone's just been admiring the brooms my father's bought our team."


"Azkaban- the wizard's prison, Goyle. Honestly, if you were any slower, you'd be going backwards."


"Arthur Weasley loves Muggles so much he should snap his wand in half and go and join them. You'd never know the Weasleys were pure-bloods, the way they behave."


"I'd be careful if I were you, Potter. Unless you're a bit politer, you'll go the same way as your parents. They didn't know what was good for them, either. You hang around with riff-raff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid and it'll rub off on you."


"I play Quidditch. Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my house, and I must say, I agree. Know what house you'll be in yet?"


"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasley's have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."


"Montague's just been found in a toilet, Sir."


"You'd better hurry up, they'll be waiting for 'the Chosen Captain'-- 'The Boy Who Scored'-- whatever they call you these days."

- Harry Potter

I don't know who Maxime thinks she's kidding. If Hagrid's half-giant, she definitely is. Big bones... the only thing that's got bigger bones than her is a dinosaur.


"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours [broom], Malfoy. Then it could catch the Snitch for you."


"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me."


"Are you insane? Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Have you got a house? When can I move in?"


"Voldemort uses people his enemies are close to. He's already used you as bait once, and that was just because you're my best friend's sister. Think how much danger you'll be in if we keep this up. He'll know, he'll find out. He'll try and get to me through you."

"He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though...keep up with news...check if I'm happy..."


"Brilliant! It's Potions last thing on Friday! Snape won't have the time to poison us all!"


"Yeah, Quirrell was a great teacher. There was just that minor drawback of him having Lord Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head!"


"Well, I had one that I was playing Quidditch the other night," said Ron, screwing up his face in an effort to remember. "What do you think that means?"
"Probably that you're going to be eaten by a giant marshmallow or something," said Harry, turning the pages of The Dream Oracle without interest.


"And Harry said last night," retorted Ron, "if it means we're supposed to get matey with the Slytherins, fat chance."
"Well, I think it's a pity we're not trying for a bit of inter-House unity," said Hermione crossly.
They had reached the foot of the marble staircase. A line of fourth year Ravenclaws was crossing the entrance hall; they caught sight of Harry and hurried to form a tighter group, as though frightened he might attack stragglers.
"Yeah, we really ough to be trying to make friends with people like that," said Harry sarcastically.


"Harry, don't go picking a row with Malfoy, don't forget, he's a prefect now, he could make life difficult for you..."
"Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life?" said Harry sarcastically.


"How long have you been 'Big D' then?" said Harry.
"Shut it," snarled Dudley, turning away again.
"Cool name," said Harry, grinning, "but you'll always be Ickle Diddykins to me."
"Shut your face."
"You don't tell her [Aunt Petunia] to shut her face. What about 'popkin' and 'Dinky Diddydums,' can I use them then?"


"Listen, if you [Fred and George] don't take it [the gold], I'm throwing it down the drain. I don't want it and I don't need it. But I could do with a few laughs. We could all do with a few laughs. I've got a feeling we're going to need them more than usual before long."

"You can't give a Dementor the old one-two!"


"Why were you lurking under our window?"
"Yes -- yes, good point, Petunia! What were you doing under our windows, boy?"
"Listening to the news," said Harry in a resigned voice.
His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage.
"Listening to the news! Again?"
"Well, it changes every day, you see," said Harry.


"Er -- thanks very much, Ernie," said Harry, taken aback. Ernie might be pompous on occasions like these, but Harry was in a mood to deeply appreciate a vote of confidence from somebody who was not wearing radishes in their ears.


"Proud?" said Harry. "Are you crazy? All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it? They'll be furious...."


"Cut it out," he[Harry] said firmly, rubbing the scar as the pain receded again. "First sign of madness, talking to your own head," said a sly voice from the empty picture on the wall.


"You know your mother, Malfoy? The expression on her face- like she's got dung under her nose? Is she like that all the time or just because you were with her?"


"He [Dumbledore] will only be gone from the school when none are loyal to him."


"It's just hard," Harry said finally, in a low voice,"to realize he won't write me again."


"I realised I can’t shut myself away or crack up. It could be me next, couldn’t it? But if it is, I’ll make sure I take as many Death Eaters with me as I can and Voldemort too, if I can manage it."


"Snape killed Dumbledore."


"Dumbledore's man through and through," said Harry. "That's right."


"Wow... look at that... he's not here now! So why not have a go? They might be able to find you a double cell in Azkaban with your loser of a husband!"


"Well, think back," said Harry. "Have you ever let it slip that you'd like to go out in public with the words 'My Sweetheart' round your neck?"


"Warrington's aim's so pathetic I'd be more worried if he was aiming for the person next to me."


- Ron Weasley

[Prefects Who Gained Power:] "A Study of Hogwarts Prefects and Their Later Careers... That sounds fascinating..."


"I want to fix that in my memory forever. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret..."


"Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world."


"There you go, Harry! You weren't being thick after all -- you were just showing moral fiber!"


"Viktor? Hasn't he asked you to call him Vicky yet?"


"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,
Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."


Speaking quietly so that no one else would hear, Harry told the other two about Snape's sudden, sinister desire to be a Quidditch referee.
'Don't play,' said Hermione at once.
'Say you're ill,' said Ron.
'Pretend to break your leg,' Hermione suggested.
'Really break your leg,' said Ron.


"But why's she got to go to the library?"
"Because that's what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library."


"We're coming for you whether the Muggles like it or not, you can't miss the World Cup, only Mum and Dad reckon it's better if we pretend to ask their permission first. If they say yes, send Pig back with your answer pronto, and we'll come and get you at five o'clock on Sunday. If they say no, send Pig back pronto and we'll come and get you at five o'clock on Sunday anyway." [Letter to Harry]


"Can I have a look at Uranus, too, Lavender?"


"Percy wouldn't recognize a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing Dobby's tea-cozy."


[Hermione] "Aren't you two ever going to read Hogwarts: A History?"
"What's the point? You know it all by heart, we can just ask you."


"Accio Brain!"


Hermione frowned at Ron.
"He's not a nutter, Ron---"
"His life's ambition is to have his head cut off and stuck up on a plaque just like his mother," said Ron irritably. "Is that normal, Hermione?"


"Well, we were always going to fail that one," said Ron gloomily as they ascended the marble staircase. He had just made Harry feel rather better by telling him how he told the examiner in detail about the ugly man with a wart on his nose in the crystal ball, only to look up an realize he had been describing the examiner's reflection.


"Ron, we're supposed to show the first years where to go!"
"Oh, yeah," said Ron, who had obviously forgotten. "Hey-hey you lot! Midgets!"
"Well, they are, they're twitchy..."


"The hats have gone," Hermione said happily. "Seems the house-elves do want freedom after all."
"I wouldn't bet on it," Ron told her cuttingly. "They might not count as clothes. They didn't look anything like hats to me, more like woolly bladders."


"What's up with you, Hermione?"
She was gazing out the window, but not as though she really saw it. Her eyes were unfocused and there was a frown on her face.
"Just thinking..." she said, still frowning.
"About Siri -- Snuffles?" said Harry.
"No...not exactly..." said Hermione slowly. "More...wondering...I suppose we're doing the right thing...I think....aren't we?"
Harry and Ron looked at each other.
"Well, that clears that up," said Ron. "It would have been really annoying if you hadn't explained yourself properly."


"I've got two Neptunes here," said Harry after a while, frowning down on his parchment, "that can't be right, can it?"
"Aaaah," said Ron, imitating Professor Trelawney's mysical whisper, "when two Neptunes appear in the sky, it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is being born, Harry..."


"...from now on, I don't care if my tea leaves spell 'die, Ron, die,' I'm chucking them in the bin where they belong."


"What's that?" said Ron, pointing at a large dish of some sort of shellfish stew that stood beside a large steak-and-kidnet pudding.
"Bouillabaisse," said Hermione.
"Bless you", said Ron.


"And no wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry," said Ron. "He's not exactly recent if he's six-hundred and sixty-five, is he?"


"I'll make Goyle do lines, he hates writing," said Ron happily. He lowered his voice to Goyle's low grunt, mimed writing in midair. "I...must...not...look...like...a...baboon's...backside."


"It's obvious," said Ron. "You can pretend to be waiting Professor Flitwick, you know." He put on a high voice, "'Oh, Professor Flitwick, I'm so worried, I think I got question fourteen b wrong...'"


"Stop moving!" Hermonie ordered them. "I know what this is-it's the Devil's Snare!"
"Oh, I'm so glad we know what it's called, that's a great help," snarled Ron, leaning back, trying to stop the plant from curling around his neck.


"Did I tell you I've invented a broomstick that'll reach Jupiter?"


"There you go, Harry," Ron shouted over the noise. "You weren't being thick after all- you were showing moral fiber!"


"You need your inner eye tested if you ask me."


"Lockhart'll sign anything if it stands still long enough."


"Yeah, I've seen those things they think are gnomes," said Ron, bent double with his head in a peony bush, "like fat little Santa Clauses with fishing rods."


"I tell you, that dragon is the most horrible creature I've ever met, but the way Hagrid goes about it you'd think it was a fluffy little bunny rabbit. When it bit me, he told me off for frightening it. And when I left he was singing it a lullaby."


"Tomorrow," said Ron in a muffled voice, "I'd rather you set the alarm clock."


"Could've been anything," said Ron. "Maybe he [Tom Riddle] got thirty O.W.L.s or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would've done everyone a favor..."


- Hermione Granger

"Oh Harry, don't you see? If she could have done one thing to make absolutely sure that every single person in this school will read your interview, it was banning it!"


Hermione drew herself to her full height; her eyes were narrowed and her hair seemed to crackle with electricity.
"No," she said, her voice quivering with anger, "but I will write to your mother."
"You wouldn't," said George, horrified, taking a step back from her.
"Oh, yes, I would," said Hermione grimly. "I can't stop you from eating the stupid things yourself, but you're not giving them to first years."
Fred and George looked thunderstruck. It was clear that as far as they were concerned, Hermione's threat was way below the belt.


They were so busy that Hermione had stopped knitting elf hats and was fretting that she was down to her last three.
"All those poor elves I haven't set free yet, having to stay over during Christmas because there aren't enough hats!"


"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have."


"Just because it's taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn't mean no one else has spotted I'm a girl!"


"The fates have informed me that your examination in June will concern the Orb, and I am anxious to give you sufficient practice.
Hermione snorted.
"Well honestly. . . 'the fates have informed her'. . . Who sets the exam? She does!"


"Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?"


"Malfoy's got detention! I could sing."


"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? I've tried a few simple spells myself and they've all worked for me. Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, it's the best school of witchcraft there is I've heard - I've learned all the course books by heart of course. I just hope it will be enough - I'm Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?"


""I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed-or worse, expelled. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to bed."


"It matters because being able to talk to snakes was what Salazar Slytherin was famous for. That's why the symbol for Slytherin house is a serpent."


""Ron," said Hermione in a dignified voice, "you are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet."


"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent."


"Please, Professor McGonagall--they were looking for me."
"Miss Granger!"
Hermione had managed to get to her feet at last. "I went looking for the troll because I--I thought I could deal with it on my own--you know, because I've read all about them."


"Harry--you're a great wizard, you know."
"I'm not as good as you," said Harry, very embarrassed, as she let him go.
"Me!" said Hermione. "Books! And cleverness! There are more important things--friendship and bravery and--oh Harry--be careful!"


"There you are! Where have you been? The most ridiculous rumors--someone said you'd been expelled for crashing a flying car--"
"Well, we haven't been expelled," Harry assured her.
"You're not telling me you did fly here?" said Hermione, sounding almost as severe as Professor McGonagall.
"Skip the lecture," said Ron impatiently, "and tell us the new password."
"It's 'wattlebird,'" said Hermione impatiently, "but that's not the point--"


"Harry, you'd better beat him in the Quidditch final!" Hermione said shrilly. "You'd just better had, because I can't stand it if Slytherin wins!"


"Grawp's about sixteen feet tall, enjoys ripping up twenty-foot pine trees, and knows me," she [Hermione] snorted, "as Hermy."


"You said to us once before," said Hermione quietly, "that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we?"


- Fred and George Weasley

"George," said Fred, "I think we've outgrown a full-time education."
"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself," said George lightly.
"Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?" asked Fred.
"Definitely," said George.
And before Umbridge could say a word, they raised their wants and said together, "Accio Brooms!"
Harry heard a loud crash somewhere in the distance. Looking to his left he ducked just in time -- Fred and George's broomsticks, one still trailing the heavy chain and iron peg with which Umbridge had fastened them to the wall, were hurtling along the corridor toward their owners. They turned left, streaked down the stairs, and stopped sharply in front of the twins, the chain clattering loudly on the flagged stone floor.
"We won't be seeing you," Fred told Professor Umbridge, swinging his leg over his broomstick.
"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch," said George, mounting his own.
Fred looked around at the assembled students and at the silent, watchful crowd.
"If anybody fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three Diagon Alley -- Weasley's Wizard Wheezes," he said in a loud voice. "Our new premises!"
"Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," said George, pointing at Professor Umbridge.
"STOP THEM!" shrieked Umbridge, but it was too late. As the Inquisitorial Squad closed in, Fred and George kicked off from the floor, shooting fifteen feet into the air, the iron peg swinging dangerously below. Fred looked across the hall at the poltergeist bobbing on his level above the crowd.
"Give her hell from us, Peeves."
And Peeves, whom Harry had never seen take an order from a student before, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset.


"Make way for the heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard [Harry] coming through..."


"You two just Apparated on my knees!"
"Yeah, well, it's harder in the dark --"


"Yeah, Montague tried to do us during break," said George.
"What do you mean, 'tried'?" said Ron quickly.
"He never managed to get all the words out," said Fred, "due to the fact that we forced him head-first into that Vanishing Cabinet on the first floor."
Hermione looked very shocked.
"But you'll get into terrible trouble!"
"Not until Montague reappears, and that could take weeks, I dunno where we sent him," said Fred coolly.


"Are you trying to weasel out of showing us any of this stuff?" said Zacharias Smith.
"Here's an idea," said Ron loudly, "why don't you shut your mouth?"
"Well, we've all turned up to learn from him, and now he's telling us he can't really do any of it," he said.
"That's not what he said," said Fred Weasley.
"Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?" inquired George, pulling a long and lethal-looking metal instrument from inside one of the Zonko's bags.
"Or any part of your body, really, we're not fussy where we stick this," said Fred.


"Cheers," whispered George, wiping tears of laughter from his face.
"Oh, I hope she tries Vanishing them next...they multiply by ten every time you try..."


"We tried to shut him in a pyramid, but Mum spotted us." -George


"Has Ron saved a goal yet?" asked Hermione.
"Well, he can do it if he thinks no one is watching him," said Fred, rolling his eyes. "So all we have to do is ask the crowd to turn their backs and talk among themselves every time the Quaffle goes up on his end Saturday."


"You don't want to bottle your anger up like that, Harry, let it all out," said Fred, beaming. "There might be a couple people fifty miles away who didn't hear you."


"--but you get these massive pus-filled boils too," said George, "and we haven't worked out how to get rid of them yet."
"I can't see any boils," said Ron, staring at the twins.
"No, well, you wouldn't," said Fred, "they're not in a place we generally display to the public --"
"-- but they make sitting on a broom a right pain in the --"


""Hey, look - Harry's got a Weasley sweater, too!" Fred and George were wearing blue sweaters, one with a large yellow 'F' on it, the other a 'G'.
"Harry's is better than ours, though," said Fred, holding up Harry's sweater. "She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family."
"Why aren't you wearing yours, Ron?" George demanded. "Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm."
"I hate maroon," Ron moaned half-heartedly as he pulled it over his head.
"You haven't got a letter on yours," George observed. "I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid - we know we're called Gred and Forge."


""Harry!" said Fred, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply. "Simply splendid to see you, old boy--"
"Marvelous," said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing Harry's hand in turn. "Absolutely spiffing."
Percy scowled.
"That's enough, now," said Mrs. Weasley.
"Mum!" said Fred as though he'd only just spotted her and seizing her hand too. "How really corking to see you--"


"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat!" - George


"Hello Harry," said George, beaming at him. "We thought we heard your dulcet tones."


"We've got it [ Percy's Head Boy badge]. We're improving it." The badge now read, 'Bighead Boy.'"


"You're a prefect? Oh Ronnie! That's everyone in the family!" [Molly Weasley]
'What are Fred and I? Next door neighbours?"


"So top grade's O for 'Outstanding,'" she [Hermione] was saying, "and then there's A-"
"No, E," George corrected her, "E for 'Exceeds Expectations.' And I've always thought Fred and I should've got E in everything, because we exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams."


"Well, I certainly don't," said Percy sanctimoniously. "I shudder to think what the state of my in-tray would be if I was away from work for five days."
"Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again, eh, Perce?" said Fred.
"That was a sample of fertilizer from Norway!" said Percy, going very red in the face. "It was nothing personal!"
"It was," Fred whispered to Harry as they got up from the table. "We sent it."


"Time is Galleons, little brother."


"What would we want to be prefects for?" said George, looking revolted at the very idea. "It'd take all the fun out of life."


- Albus Dumbledore

"I believe your friends Misters Fred and George Weasley were responsible for trying to send you a toilet seat. No doubt they thought it would amuse you."


"By all means continue destroying my possessions. I daresay I have too many."


"Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love."


"Don't be silly, Dawlish. I'm sure you are an excellent Auror, I seem to remember you achieved 'Outstanding' in all your N.E.W.T.s, but if you attempt to - er - 'bring me in' by force, I will have to hurt you."


"To our newcomers," said Dumbledore in a ringing voice, stretching his hands wide and a beaming smile on his lips, "welcome! To our old hands -- welcome back! There is a time for speech making, and this is not it. Tuck in!"


"I will only truly have left this school none here are loyal to me... Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."


"To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."


"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."


"Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself."


"Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them."


"Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory."


"I don't need a cloak to become invisible."


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"


"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."


"I could break out, of course, but what a waste of time, and frankly I can think of a whole host of things I'd rather be doing."


"Scars can come in handy. I have one myself above my left knee that is a perfect map of the London Underground."


"I seem to remember telling you both that I would have to expel you if you broke any more school rules," said Dumbledore. Ron opened his mouth in horror. "Which goes to show that the best of us must sometimes eat our words."


"Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it is to be young."


"...I took a wrong turning on the way to the bathroom and found myself in a beautifully proportioned room I had never seen before, containing a really rather magnificent collection of chamberpots. When I went back to investigate more closely, I discovered that the room had vanished. But I must keep an eye out for it. Possibly it is only accessible at five thirty in the morning. Or it may only appear at the quarter moon - or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder."


"Harry, I owe you an explanation," said Dumbledore. "An explanation of an old man's mistakes. For I see now that what I have done, and not done, with regard to you, bears all the hallmarks of the failings of age. Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young...and I seem to have forgotten lately."


"Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic far beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"


"...in the light of Voldemort's return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. Lord Voldemort's gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."


"You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."


"Harry, Cedric, I suggest you both go up to bed," said Dumbledore, smiling at both of them. "I am sure Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are waiting to celebrate with you, and it would be a shame to deprive them of this excellent excuse to make a great deal of mess and noise."


"Alas! Ear wax!"


"It's lucky it's dark...I haven't blushed so much since Madame Pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs."


"I see a light in the kitchen. Let us not deprive Molly any longer of the chance to deplore how thin you are."


"The shock of her desertion may have contributed to his early death - or perhaps he had simply never learned to feed himself."


"No, I was merely reading the Muggle magazines," said Dumbledore. "I do love knitting patterns."


"And now Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure."


"I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you."


"For future reference, Harry, it [favorite jam] is raspberry...although of course, if I were a Death Eater, I would have been sure to research my own jam preferences before impersonating myself."


"I take my hat off to you--or I would, if I were not afraid of showering you with spiders."


"It is a long time since my last visit," said Dumbledore, peering down his crooked nose at Uncle Vernon. "I must say, your agapanthuses are flourishing."


"- yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often. Best to say nothing at all, my dear man."


"I would assume that you were going to offer me refreshment, but the evidence so far suggests that that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness."


"Time is making fools of us again."

- Sirius Black

"If you made a better rat than a human, that's not much to boast about."


"You should have died! Died rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you!"


"This is how it is - this is why you're not in the Order - you don't understand - there are things worth dying for!"


"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."


"What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? Only innocent lives, Peter."


"There's enough filth on my robes without you touching them."


"You are truly your father's son, Harry..."


"I'll look for him later, I expect I'll find him upstairs crying his eyes out over my mother's old bloomers or something...Of course, he might have crawled up into the airing cupboard and died...But I mustn't get my hopes up..."


"Reading between the lines, I’d say she thinks you’re a bit conceited, mate."


"Kreacher is cleaning," the elf repeated. "Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black-"
"-and getting blacker every day, it's filthy," said Sirius.


"Keep muttering and I will be a murderer!"


"Believe me. I never betrayed James and Lily. I would have died before I betrayed them."


- Rubeus Hagrid

"When a wizard goes over to the dark side there's nothin', and no one matters to 'em anymore."


"I'm not blamin' yeh...but I gotta tell yeh, I thought you two'd value yer friend more'n broomsticks or rats. Tha's all."




"What's comin' will come, an' we'll meet it when it does."


"Meant ter turn him into a pig, but I suppose he was so much like a pig anyway there wasn't much left ter do."


"Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune."


"Yeh did as much as yer father would've done, an' I can' give yeh no higher praise than that."


" 'Gotta bone ter pick with yeh. I've heard you've bin givin' out signed photos. How come I haven't got one?'


"Yer' great puddin' of a son don' need fattenin' anymore, Dursley, don' worry."




- Severus Snape

"Harry Potter - Our new celebrity."


"I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death - if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."


"Fascinating though your social life undoubtedly is, Miss Granger, I must ask you not to discuss it in my class. Ten points from Gryffindor."


"Or maybe, he's waiting to hear why you two didn't arrive on the school train."


"Don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's determination to break rules. He has been crossing lines ever since he arrived here."


"You have a habit of turning up in unexpected places, Potter, and you are very rarely there for no good reason."


"Moronic though some of this class undoubtedly are, I expect you to scrape an 'acceptable' in your O.W.L., or suffer my ... displeasure."


"The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible."


"Another ten points from Gryffindor. I would expect nothing more sophisticated from you, Ronald Weasley, the boy so solid he cannot Apparate half an inch across a room."




- Luna Lovegood

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."


"I've been able to see them ever since my first year here. They've always pulled the carriages. Don't worry. You're just as sane as I am."


"There are plenty of eyewitness accounts, just because you're so narrow-minded you need to have everything shoved under your nose before you --"


"It's good, isn't it? I wanted to have it chewing up a serpent to represent Slytherin, you know, but there wasn't time. Anyway...good luck, Ronald!"


"Dad's reprinting! He can't believe it, he says people seem even more interested in this than the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks!"


"Mistletoe," said Luna dreamily, pointing at a large clump of white berries placed almost over Harry's head. He jumped out from under it. "Good thinking," said Luna seriously. "It's often infested with nargles."


"Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn’t you? They were just lurking out of sight, that’s all. You heard them."


"I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends."


"Nobody's ever asked me to a party before, as a friend! Is that why you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine, too?" (I Luv that One)


- Professor McGonagall

"You couldn't find two people who are less like us. And they've got this son-I saw him kicking his mother all the way up the street, screaming for sweets. Harry Potter come and live here?"


"'A letter? Really, Dumbledore, you think you can explain all this in a letter? These people will never understand him! He'll be famous - a legend - I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter day in future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name!"


"Ah, of course. There is no need to tell me any more, Ms. Granger. Which one of you will be dying this year?"


"Really, what has got into you all today? Not that it matters, but that's the first time my transformation's not got applause from a class."


"I wonder," said Professor McGonagall in cold fury, turning on Professor Umbridge, "how you can expect to gain an idea of my usual teaching methods if you continue to interrupt me? You see, I do not generally permit people to talk when I am talking."


"I should have made my meaning plainer," said Professor McGonagall, turning at last to look at Umbridge directly in the eyes. "He has achieved high marks in all Defense Against the Dark Arts tests set by a competent teacher."


"It unscrews the other way."


"Are you quite sure you wouldn't like a cough drop, Dolores?"


"Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world."


"Take Charms and I shall drop Augusta a line reminding her that just because she failed her Charms O.W.L., the subject is not necessarily worthless."


"Really, Severus," said Professor McGonagall sharply. "I see no reason to stop the boy playing Quidditch. This cat wasn't hit over the head with a broomstick. There is no evidence at all that Potter has done anything wrong."



- Others

"Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor."
- The Marauder's Map


"'Course Dumbledore trusts you. He's a trusting man, isn't he? Believes in second chances. But me -- I say there are spots that don't come off, Snape. Spots that never come off, know what I mean?"
- Mad-Eye Moody


"And do I look like the kind of man that can be intimidated?" barked Uncle Vernon.
"Well..." said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving eye. Uncle Vernon lept backward in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. "Yes, I'd have to say you do, Dursley."
- Mad-Eye Moody


"S'up Figgy?"
- Mundugus Fletcher


"The first word out of those poor petrified people's mouths will be, 'It was Hagrid.' Frankly, I'm astounded Professor McGonagall thinks all these security measures are necessary."
- Gilderoy Lockhart


"Using defensive spells?" Professor Umbridge repeated with a little laugh. "Why, I can't imagine any situation arising in my classroom that would require you to use a defensive spell, Miss Granger. You surely aren't expecting to be attacked during class?
"I do not wish to criticize the way things have been run in this school," she said, an unconvincing smile stretching her wide mouth, "but you have been exposed to some very irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed - not to mention," she gave a nasty little laugh, "extremely dangerous half-breeds."
- Dolores Umbridge


"No, I don't think so, Mr. Potter," said Umbridge sweetly, poking him in the back with it. "The Ministry places a rather higher value on my life than yours, I'm afraid."
- Dolores Umbridge


"We had to write about our hero at school, Mr. Mason; I wrote about you."
- Dudley


"Bad news, Harry. I've just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She - er got a bit shirty with me. Told me I'd got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about staying alive. Just because I told her I didn't care if it threw you off, as long as you caught the Snitch first."
- Oliver Wood


"Half an inch of skin and sinew holding my neck on, Harry! Most people would think that's good as beheaded, but oh, no, it's not enough for Sir Properly Decapitated-Podmore."
- Nearly Headless Nick


"But you're Muggles! We must have a drink! What's that you've got there? Oh, you're changing Muggle money. Molly, look!"
- Arthur Weasley


"Wandering around at midnight, Ickle Firsties? Tut, tut, tut. Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty."
- Peeves


"Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you can get it though her stomach! Fifty points if it goes through her head! Well, ha, ha, ha! What a lovely game, I don't think!"
- Moaning Myrtle


"Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking! 'He's an internationally famous wizard already!' But when I was twelve, I was just as much of a nobody as you are now. In fact, I'd say I was even more of a nobody! I mean, a few people have heard of you, haven't they? All that business with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!" He glanced at lighting scar on Harry's forehead. "I know, I know -- it's not quite as good as winning Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award five times in a row, as I have -- but it's a start, Harry, it's a start!"
- Gilderoy Lockhart


"Sirius?" said Mundungus, who did not appear to have paid any attention to the conversation, but had been closely examining an empty goblet. "This solid silver, mate?"
"Yes," said Sirius, surveying it with distaste. "Finest fifteenth- century goblin-wrought silver, embossed with the Black family crest."
"That'd come off, though," muttered Mundungus, polishing it with his cuff.
- Mundungus Fletcher


"I'm about to become the youngest ever Minister of Magic, I am."
- Stan Shunpike


"Fine," snapped Mrs. Weasley. "Go naked. And, Harry, make sure you get a picture of him [Ron.] Goodness knows I could do with a laugh."
- Molly Weasley


"I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid."
- Lily Evans [Potter]


"Ah well . . . wand still in your jeans? Both buttocks still on? Okay, let's go. Locomotor Trunk."
- Nymphadora Tonks


"The thing about growing up with Fred and George," said Ginny thoughtfully, "is that you sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."
- Ginny Weasley


"I'm very well indeed, thank you!" said Lockhart exuberantly, pulling a rather battered peacock-feather quill from his pocket. "Now, how many autographs would you like? I can do joined-up writing now, you know!"
- Gilderoy Lockhart


"You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts...but you cannot deny he's got style..."
- Phineas Nigellus


"Not pleasant. And there's no countercurse. There's no blocking it. Only one known person has ever survived it, and he's sitting right in front of me."
- Mad Eye Moody


"Ok, who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?"
- James Potter


"The trouble is, the other side can do magic too, Prime Minister."
- Cornelius Fudge


"I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick."
- Professor Flitwick


"You are determined to hate him [Snape], Harry. And I understand; with James as your father, with Sirius as your godfather, you have inherited an old prejudice. By all means tell Dumbledore what you have told Arthur and me, but do not expect him to share your view of the matter; do not even expect him to be surprised by what you tell him. It might have been on Dumbledore's orders that Severus questioned Draco."
- Remus Lupin


"Sometimes you remind me a lot of James. He called it my 'furry little problem' in company. Many people were under the impression that I owned a badly behaved rabbit."
- Remus Lupin


"I have had it all tested for poison," he assured Harry, pouring most of the first bottle into one of Hagrid's bucket-sized mugs and handing it to Hagrid. "Had a house-elf taste every bottle after what happened to your poor friend, Rupert."
- Horace Slughorn


"I was so please to ‘ear you would be coming - zere isn’t much to do ‘ere, unless you like cooking and chickens. Well - enjoy your breakfast, 'Arry!"
- Fleur Delacour


"That Harry Potter’s got more backbone than the whole Ministry of Magic put together!"
- Augusta Longbottom


"What do I care how 'e looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I theenk! All these scars show is zat my husband is brave!"
- Fleur Delacour


"I never really gave up on you. Not really. I always hoped ... Hermione told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more - myself."
- Ginny Weasley


"But you've been too busy saving the Wizarding World. Well ... I can't say I'm surprised. I knew this would happen in the end. I knew you wouldn't be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that's why I like you so much."
- Ginny Weasley


"Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies. You must know this, Dumbledore."
- Lord Voldemort

"Please, come in, sit down, Minister!' fluttered Mrs Weasley, straightening her hat. 'Have a little purkey, or some tooding... I mean -"
- Mrs. Weasley

Any Quotes you would like added, please email me at mailto:bladetothroat@hotmail.com, and Ill put them on here,

You Know Tom's sexy and Harry Potter's an addiction!!!